Monday, January 25, 2010

Third week of IM:PACT

Hello, fellow Impact-ors! :) Since Reuben was MIA on Saturday, *sniff sniff* and Yi Fen hasn't updated the blog about the third week of Impact, I decided to save her some time :)

The third week of Impact started off with Rayshell as the emcee- the new comers of Impact were asked to come up to the front to introduce themselves to us; telling us their names, age and the color of their toilet bowls (why that, actually, Rayshell? HAHA) It's great to have new comers at Impact! Especially you awesome Form 1s! I loveeeeee Form 1s! :D (Okay, Alycia, jangan terpesong)

After the emcee-ing, we proceeded into a short icebreaker, where we played the Whispering game! *whisperwhisper* :D In that game, I (Alycia la) was to whisper something random into the ears of the people at the corner of the human horseshoe and they were to whisper it into the ears of the people who were sitting next to them, and this went on until the message reached the middle person. That person would come up to the front and say the final product of the sentence. The accuracy of the two sentences were then compared.

Well, it was really hilarious how a message like "The cameraman didn't know how to whistle, so he asked his camera to take up whistling classes from the cellophone tape." could end up as

"THE CAMEL ON A WHISTLE" - David Everns Lim :P

Good job la, HAHA. Anywayy, Impact resumed with a wonderful time of worship led by James and his team :) Oh, announcements this week-

- has been postponed, it will NO LONGER be on Jan 29th as planned
- When, you ask, will it be then? AHHA! That's for you to come to Impact EVERY WEEK to find out! Muahahaha *cough* Okay la, it'll probably be somewhere in May xD

- will be on 6th February 2010! *people applaud*
- It will be from 5.30 pm- 9.30 pm :) Come on time ar! Afternoon sessioners who have school on that day, aiya that one give chance la :)
- No, there won't be any special/out of the ordinary dress code, thanks to *lalalala* :P You can, still come in dresses (for the girls) and your smart-looking collared shirts (for guys) if you want to though :) But not too formal, of course, as it is just a simple Impact dinner :)
- Pastor Aaron will be speaking that day, so you DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS, you guys! :) It'll be awesome! :D
- Remember to bring along RM5 to the dinner if you're coming for it! Wait, what do I mean IF! WHEN you come for the dinner! It's an event you definitely won't wanna miss! :)

- Why? Because, HAPPY HAPPY CNY! HAPPY HAPPY YOU AN I! :D *okay, I can't stand that song xD* So yup, Impact-ors, take note! :D

Okay, moving on! We had Uncle Allen Kam to come up to share his message with us :D *YAY* He spoke mainly about GOING BACK TO BASICS.

To summarize what he spoke about, here's something real important that we must always remember :) Going back to BASICS, what does BASICS really mean?

B- Bible
A- Acknowledge
S- Sacrificial Love
I- Impact
C- Communion
S- Salvation and Service

Remember, everyone! Going back to basics will really help to ground you, so everytime you face a challenge in life, you know what you have to do- Go BACK TO BASICS :) Also, always be a friend to someone. Reach out not only to your close friends, but to anyone at all! By doing that, you're really making an impact in your school, or wherever you are!

After that, we broke into our forms to discuss about the message that was bestowed upon us. Then, those who wanted to play games went ahead to do so, and TNF did their TNF thing and so on so forth :)

And with that, the third week of Impact ended! :D SEE YOU ALL NEXT WEEK AT IMPACT, IMPACT-ORS! :) God bless you all!

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