Hi Guys! It's been a month since the start of Impact camp and I hope your relationship with God is going strong and you weren't just going through a Camp High.
Well, this week at Impact, we had devo from Leon! His devo (like Pastor Soon Hock's sermon on Sunday) was about David, who was a man after God's own heart. For those that don't know, this David, is the same David that killed Goliath when he was just a teenager. However, when he was king, he saw a naked woman bathing, named Bathsheba, and the drama starts. He commits adultery with her and he tries to cover up his sin by getting Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to go home and sleep with her. Sounds weird, doesn't it?
Uriah keeps staying with David and when David finally loses it, he tells his troops to draw back when they are fighting and leave Uriah in the front. So, Uriah obviously gets killed in the battle. Then, David marries Bathsheba. David's all like "Pheww!" when the prophet Nathan goes to David and reprimands him for his sin.
After that, we had an awesome time of worship led by Kevin Tan, and after THAT, was the final BGR talk by Jon and Jasmine. Well obviously, I'm not going to reveal what Jon said in the guys' talk. So yeah.
PJ Rally 2012 is coming up! It'll be in the Chinese Chapel on the 28th of July. I'm not sure how much a ticket costs, but if your school is in PJ, you don't want to miss this event. :D
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Post camp Week 1
Post camp week 1
Well, it’s been a few days after camp and I’m sure that the fire for God is still burning within us so let us continue to keep it up! The attendance was great today as KEFC members joined us for te first time this year! We started off with totally random moments of an indian lip singing and dancing to an indian tune and the super duper packed Japanese train. And Jon presented a Domokun to Matthew but of course he had to dance for it :P and then we went into a time of worship led by Cicak and friends and I could still see that everyone was still hungry for God and still wanting more! (Y) Jon then shared about his plans for the rest of the month and started touching on teen issues faced by men and women or basically a little of BGR by talking about Adam and Eve. Well so we’re gonna split up into boys and girls for the rest of the month for Impact. The guys got the theme ‘MAN UP OR SHUT UP’ while the girls got the theme ‘THE GIRL IN THE MIRROR’. Then some of us went up to the sports complex to train Captain ball for a friendly we were having tomorrow (you can read the detailed report of the match from Chin Jun Liang on the impact youth page) Well, I hope next week there will be this many people coming for Impact and still be on fire for God!
IMPACT CAMPP by le Evan Wong
Impact Camp 2012 – Deeper
Wooohoooo! What an awesome experience everyone had at camp. It was back at Chefoo in Camerons this year and the place was truly stunning (since I’ve didn’t attend camp at ’10) But not only was the scenery great, God’s presence was there as well. Before I go into details, I really wanna thank the camp committee who made this camp such a success and handling all of us monkeys, especially Mr. Leon Lai who planned the camp day and night until he lost his hair!Well so the first day, everyone reached church on time and didn’t come at Malaysian timing (Y) The bus I was in was pretty sleepy and droopy for the first half of the journey but things started to kick off and the whole bus was buzzing when we were up on the windy Cameron roads (except for those with motion sickness of course):P When we reached the beautiful campsite, it was a familiar sight for many, well except for me so I was pretty excited to explore the place while waiting for the other bus to arrive. Soon, the other bus arrived and we had a briefing in the hall. And then we split up into our respective groups and had our own team time to come up with a cheer and banner. I don’t know about the other groups but our group had to crack our heads to come up with a team name that started with the letter E, but sadly we lacked inspiration and had to settle for the Extreme Evangers, and no I’m not narcissistic! But the other groups came up with pretty cool names like Asian A – team, like a Bawse, Captain C- rious, Dirt and F – factor. And then came our first free time for the camp, many diligent teams sacrificed some of their free time to beautify their banners and perfect their cheers while others played football, volleyball and basketball. Then it was shower time and half an hour later DINNER WAS SERVED! The food there was soooo good and they even sold strawberry popsicles which were epic! After filling our stomachs, we headed to the basketball court for a good time of outdoor worship. Soon, it was our 2nd team time where we were supposed to prep for Talentime or for some other teams, they decided to use this time as a bonding session and played games with their team. I’m pretty sure everyone grew closer to each other that night, and with that, the day drew to a close. Day 2! Wheee! The day started off with group devo led by the youth leaders of each group. Everyone reflected on some questions asked by the youth leaders and it was a good way to start the day. Then we had scrumptious breakfast and headed to the hall for our day briefing. And yes the angels and mortals cruelty started to kick in with angels asking mortals to perform or do something in order to receive their gifts which have somehow become a tradition among Impactors! Then we had another good time of worship before we entered our first session of camp by JON! He talked about having faith because without faith it is impossible to please God, Jon also showed us the Bible’s very own version of the HALL OF FAME in Hebrews 11! Then after munching down another wonderful meal, we headed off to our respective ‘corners’ to do our journaling. And the wonderful Chefoo landscape provided many locations with beautiful scenery for people to journal and I have to admit that even though journaling was introduced years ago, I haven’t really been doing it after camp so it was a good way to get back on the right track. And yay Praise The Lord that I’m still journaling 1 week after camp (a new personal best) and yup I needa keep it up! What followed was another BGR talk that was held year after year, camp after camp, but Jon did freshen things up a little by adding in his very personal story about an incident that occurred in the Philippines :O Free time, shower and dinner followed. Then it was the first full band worship session by Cicak and team and I could really feel God’s presence in that hall. Then it was time for our camp speaker Pastor Andrew to kick start his first session with us Impactors. He at shared about his life and the troubles he faced and yet God still used him to be such a powerful speaker and great worship leader who led many to Christ. It serves as a reminder that we can all be used by God to do His great works ☺
Day 3! YAY! It was another good time of group devo where we reflected on what was shared in the past 2 sessions the day before. And through sharing our thoughts with each other, I’m sure we learnt many more new stuff from each other’s opinions and perspectives. Then we had another great worship session before we heard Pastor Andrew’s 2nd message. He shared about passionate people and 5 things passionate people do. He challenged us to really be passionate for God and give him our ALL, not only 2 hours on Saturday. He also gave an altar call and prayed for everyone to be touched by the Holy Spirit, and there were people crying, some trembling and even some having a very high temperature as the Holy Spirit came and touched everyone. Then we had another good meal and went to the hall to do our journaling. Then we had our MAIN GAMES! WHEEE! It was a really smart theme of smartphone games played in real life and once again I really thank the committee and the youth leaders for helping to set up and coordinate the games! I’m sure everyone grew much much more closer to each other after the games. OH I DIDN’T MENTION, we had mini games during the briefings and before night worships and they were games taken from MINUTE TO WIN IT! They were pretty fun as all 6 teams went head to head against each other to complete the challenge first. Then we had dinner and then a huge random thing popped up. Apparently, Jon and Cicak wanted to bring Pastor Andrew to visit the strawberry farm but sadly it was closed, so they ended up going to a shop which sold all sort of toys and other random stuff. And they bought back an angry bird and a caterpillar and presented them to guess who? Well it was Clement getting the angry bird and Ming Han getting the caterpillar and us Impactors were treated to our very first Impact Mania where Clement and Ming Han bashed each other up with their soft toys. HAHAHAHA IT WAS A TRM (Totally Random Moment). Well for the record, Clement won! But how in the world were we gonna worship after that! xD Despite all of that craziness, Cicak and friends led us into another good time of worship. And I felt God’s presence with us even during the session which was great! Pastor Andrew shared about the man with leprosy, it was about begging Jesus for help to come and take away our sins, and it was there and then that many of us Impactors cried out to God and repented of our sins which Jesus humbly sacrificed His life for. And this was the day, I felt that God really touched many Impactors’ hearts and changed lives.
Day 4! Awh… last night is tonight ☹ Group devo was good and meaningful on day 4 as we looked back at the previous days and shared our insights and thoughts. And there were many questions asked about whether the stuff we learnt at camp were gonna be put into practice and whether our fire for God will still remain after all the hype. I thought that was very important as the real challenge is back home where there are so many temptations and back in our schooling lives where peer pressure is so evident in our lives. Then we had worship and session 5 – LABELS. Pastor Andrew shared about labels that some people have stuck to our foreheads and they may have been hurtful or insulting names. He told us that all of these labels are not what defines us, but what defines us is our worth in God. Jon told us to write down a list of all sorts of names that people have given to us and just laugh at it and tear it up, “don’t let it weigh us down anymore”. And that was what everyone did during their journaling time. And I’m sure I saw plenty more happy faces, filled with the joy of the Lord I suppose, after they journaled. We all had a great time of Talentime prep after that and I’m certain every group bonded even more with each other. Then came the moment of truth – TALENTIME. With the panel of judges seated, the stage set and the groups ready, the teams came up confidently and presented their modern take on bible stories given to them, not to mention incorporating a certain song that was given to them as well. Each team had their strengths and only the judges’ results would be able to decide who wins. So in third place *drumrolls* LIKE A BAWSE! In second place *drumrolls* Extreme Evangers! And the winner is *drumrollsdownthefloorintothedustbin*DIRT! So there are your winners and a huge congrats to Dirt who really took advantage of the instruments available and showcased every single member’s talent! (Y) Then after everyone changed into their special night attire, we all ate our very last dinner at Chefoo, which made the dishes all the more tasty! We then went into the hall and this time Ming Han and Clement decided to turn the tables and present Jon and Chuan Zhong with some gifts but first… they had to battle it out with the angry bird and caterpillar, and they swatted each other like there was no tomorrow and everyone went crazy. Then it was Jon, Chuan Zhong, and Erwin’s turn to present gifts they won from ‘The Claw’ and some other gifts they bought as well and everyone thought that was it…But what followed blew not only our minds but every single cell in our body was exploding in craziness! Jon and Chuan Zhong invited Ming Han and Clement up and then gave them the honour of choosing their team mates to battle it out against each other, 3 on 3 using bolsters they bought! And on my left was Clement ‘The Angry Bird’ Hon, Tian Xi and Ashley Chin, while on my right was Ming Han The Caterpillar, Yi Fen and Newton Lellang! Impact then took sides and cheered for who they think will win. AND THUS THE EPIC IMPACT MANIA 2.0 BEGAN! They had to spin around 25 times before whacking each other while they were squatting HAHAHAHA! Well from what I saw, everyone obeyed the rules except for Ming Han who just stood up and started whacking Clement with all of the fury he could summon from within! In the end, Ming Han got sweet revenge over Clement because his team had more damages on their soft toys. Well once again, how were we gonna worship after that?!! But we did and everyone cried their hearts out to God and just worshipped and praised Him. Then came the final session from Pastor Andrew, where he shared about how a little kindness can transform the world. It’s the little acts that can make a huge impact on people’s lives and transform them. And we had an altar call for those who weren’t Christians and wanted to be saved and praise the Lord that there were 3 people who accepted Christ in their lives that night! Hallelujah indeed! Then many people stayed up because it was the last night and it wasn’t long before everyone snoozed off and the prankers came out…
Final day :’( Well after 4 wonderful days of camp, we all shared about our plans when we were back in PJ during group devo. Would we still have that fire for God? Will we put the things we learnt into practice? And how? And then came our last breakfast, our last briefing, our last worship, our last session ☹ Jon shared about giving our ALL to God whether in the form of energy, time or strength and about being a generation that gives. We then had a debriefing and packed up our stuff. We then boarded the bus and said goodbye to Chefoo. But the memories, friendships and experiences will be remembered forever. “LET’S GROW DEEPER IN FAITH AND TAKE GO THE EXTRA MILE FOR GOD!”
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Light of The World
HEYY GUYS, sorry for procrastinating so much and not keeping the blog updated... but i've been pretty busy lately so yarh. :/
I'm blogging about the week when I shared DEVO! :D which was like... urgh, i can't even remember... just shows how much i've been procrastinating. Well, if you guys weren't there that week, I shared from Matthew 5:14-16. I shared about being the light of the world except through a different way. By serving in volunteer work! :) Well, usually you would associate being the light of the world by being a good example for others like getting good grades in school or being the model student. However, you can also be the light of the world by taking part in Christian Service.
After that, we broke up into our forms and discussed about what Jon had shared about from the past few weeks before that. So yeah! That was Impact for that day.
Impact Camp 2012! Last day for early bird is 22 April which is like next week so sign up NOW!! :)
I'm blogging about the week when I shared DEVO! :D which was like... urgh, i can't even remember... just shows how much i've been procrastinating. Well, if you guys weren't there that week, I shared from Matthew 5:14-16. I shared about being the light of the world except through a different way. By serving in volunteer work! :) Well, usually you would associate being the light of the world by being a good example for others like getting good grades in school or being the model student. However, you can also be the light of the world by taking part in Christian Service.
After that, we broke up into our forms and discussed about what Jon had shared about from the past few weeks before that. So yeah! That was Impact for that day.
Impact Camp 2012! Last day for early bird is 22 April which is like next week so sign up NOW!! :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late late post. YEA Impact successfully held the first event in its history - IMPACTS GOT TALENT!!
Woohoo without further delay, let's see what happened on that amazing night!
Firstly, when you walked into the Chinese chapel, you would notice there were cool Impact banners hanging around and there were some pretty fairy lights too :D Then the background music started to die down and amonstrous masculine figure took to the stage, our very own host- JON NGAN!
First up was James, Rayshell and Sam! Well, hehe their voices were all pretty sexy after screamin alot in DJCF camp, well except for James! Haha but nonetheless, they managed to perform 'You Make It Real' by James Morrison pretty well :) so kudos to them!
Then it was The Risen which was Reuel's group. They sang 'Safe and Sound' :) It was a good take on the song! Very impressive indeedalthough Kevin's guitar wasn't tuned :P And then guess who was up next? *drumrolls* Reuel Liu! HAHAHA he gets his second roll of the dice for a chance of getting the best performance! He sang 'Someone Like You' by Adele. It was a tough song to take on if you ask me. You would have to have skillz to pull that song off! And skillz he had! He did a wonderful job and had some very good vocals (even though i know nothing about vocals) :P
Then came the lucky draw! The elusive Starbucks Debit Card fell to Cassy Khor. ME JELLYYYY! Haha but she deserved it after baking those awesome cupcakes for the event break :)
Then moving on... The Dawn of the 98's put up a wonderful sketch. They revived old memories of one very memorable joke. Hahaha.
They really did put up a funny sketch (Y). Good job indeed!
Then up next was Daniel Chan's group to perform. They sang the song 'We Are Young'. And did an extremely good job considering they joined in pretty late and didn't have much time to practice. So good job to the Taman Sea-ians!!
Woohoo without further delay, let's see what happened on that amazing night!
Firstly, when you walked into the Chinese chapel, you would notice there were cool Impact banners hanging around and there were some pretty fairy lights too :D Then the background music started to die down and a
First up was James, Rayshell and Sam! Well, hehe their voices were all pretty sexy after screamin alot in DJCF camp, well except for James! Haha but nonetheless, they managed to perform 'You Make It Real' by James Morrison pretty well :) so kudos to them!
Then it was The Risen which was Reuel's group. They sang 'Safe and Sound' :) It was a good take on the song! Very impressive indeed
Then came the lucky draw! The elusive Starbucks Debit Card fell to Cassy Khor. ME JELLYYYY! Haha but she deserved it after baking those awesome cupcakes for the event break :)
Then moving on... The Dawn of the 98's put up a wonderful sketch. They revived old memories of one very memorable joke. Hahaha.
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Hey GUYS remember this hair? ;) |
Then came David and Jordan's turn to perform. They did a great take on the song 'Just Haven't Met You Yet' by Michael Buble. David was certainly a revelation to some of us :) What a great voice he had! :D
Then came the one and only Lim Ee Ren to perform :P He did an AMAZING job with the song 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz. Exquisite performance indeed!!
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Yes it is this SNOBBBISH BOI! |
Then came VIP! They danced to the beat of my heart a wonderfully choreographed hip- hop routine :D It was GREAT! They didn't do acrobatic flips and all but their synchronised performance was enough to blow me away!
OOH another dance group! MONST3R from SMKDU performed their K-pop dance. It was honestly one of the most synchronised and well planned dance routine I've seen on Impact's Got Talent :p HAHA but they were seriously good (Y) and they could pop and lock according to da beat of the music so it was really really well choreographed!
Then the judges went to decide the winner in a small room at the corner. LONERS! :p While in the meantime, a magician named Jon came to do some magic tricks! In case your wondering, NO THIS IS NOT JON NGAN! Well Jon fascinated us with some cool tricks, including a mind blowing dissapearing page trick at the end, and he also cracked up some lame jokes along his performance which I would say is on par with the great Alycia Tan's lameness :P
Soon, the judges came out with the scores tallied and the winners decided. So I'll just go ahead and announce it then:
Second Runner Up goes to......*drumrolls* THE DAWN OF THE 98'S!!!
Runner Up goes to......*drumrolls again* MONST3R!!!
and THE WINNER IS......*final drumroll* JAMES LEE oops sorry LIM :p
HAHAHA the winners thoroughly deserved to win and only God knows what they will do with that load of cash :) So a wonderful event came to a close and we can only thank God for making this event a major success! So thanks for reading and God bless and see you at our next event ;)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Last week there was impact. No duh. There wasn't any icebreakers last week. :( But, we had devo from Tiffany and it was about how there are two gates in our lives. There is the big, broad gate and there is also the small, narrow gate. Her devo came from Matthew 7:13-14.
This is the summary of her devo. Basically, there are two gates in how we live our lives. There is a big, broad gate, and there is also the small, narrow gate. Matthew 7:14 says, "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." The small gate is like an alley in KL, where you wouldn't wanna drive your car in it because it's so narrow and your car might get scratched, but you know that all the world famous food is in that alley. While the broad gate is like a highway, that gives you so much space but then the journey is boring. (My own interpretation xP)
We, as Christians, must always want to go through the narrow gate, even though it is definitely a difficult task. And we must stick with it for every day of our lives.
After that, we watched a video by GUM (for those who don't know, it's Greeters and Ushers Ministry) to encourage us youth at impact to join GUM to welcome people so that when we go for church, we don't feel like we're being greeted by a bunch of old people. So yeah, if welcoming people is your kind of thing, sign up for GUM. :D
Then, Jon split us up into our forms where we discussed about his sharings from the past few weeks.
And that was pretty much it for Impact this week.
IMPACT'S GOT TALENT IS THIS SATURDAY! Make sure the friends you invited come for the event ahh!
This is the summary of her devo. Basically, there are two gates in how we live our lives. There is a big, broad gate, and there is also the small, narrow gate. Matthew 7:14 says, "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." The small gate is like an alley in KL, where you wouldn't wanna drive your car in it because it's so narrow and your car might get scratched, but you know that all the world famous food is in that alley. While the broad gate is like a highway, that gives you so much space but then the journey is boring. (My own interpretation xP)
We, as Christians, must always want to go through the narrow gate, even though it is definitely a difficult task. And we must stick with it for every day of our lives.
After that, we watched a video by GUM (for those who don't know, it's Greeters and Ushers Ministry) to encourage us youth at impact to join GUM to welcome people so that when we go for church, we don't feel like we're being greeted by a bunch of old people. So yeah, if welcoming people is your kind of thing, sign up for GUM. :D
Then, Jon split us up into our forms where we discussed about his sharings from the past few weeks.
And that was pretty much it for Impact this week.
IMPACT'S GOT TALENT IS THIS SATURDAY! Make sure the friends you invited come for the event ahh!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hey sorry I haven't been updating you guys. so this is what happened last week.
Well worship was really really good and heartfelt this week and even though Yi Fen had a sore throat, I thought she sang very very well :) It was a full band worship session and we rarely have those nowadays so it can only mean 1 thing... WORSHIP TEAM NEEDS PEOPLE! So do sign up by going to see James Lim or Reuel Liu kayy.
And Reuel did devo about judging others. Well, I find myself judging other people like ALOT. Whether conscious or unconscious, I judge people all the time and yea in the Bible it says how can we remove the speck from our brother's eye when we have a plank in our own eye? So we shouldn't judge because we ourselves are not perfect, let's leave the judging part to God kay?
This week Jon shared about loving God. There are 2 main parts in loving God -
1. Loving God
2. Loving people
Loving God: Firstly, we must connect with Him and one of the ways is obviously through worship. So we should worship God passionately and not just with the 'stony' attitude because He deserves the best. Imagine you go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, your not just gonna stone there and just mumble a few words right? Of course you will connect with him or her with full of interest and your gonna treat him or her like their the best, so I think God deserves that or actually even more so worship Him with all your heart, soul and strength!
Next, we have to love the church, in our case here it is IMPACT. We have to love it and get involved in Impact activities and make Impact not just 'a regular hang out place' but make it OUR place where we get closer to God. So involve yourself in activities or just make yourself available. A good opportunity to do that is the upcoming Impact's Got Talent! Yi Fen and Tiffany are looking for ushers so if you wanna help out go see them and make yourself available :)
Moving on, we have to obey God's Word. So we should read our Bible to know what His Word is and then we have to obey it :) Besides, reading the Bible will help you know God better and thus you know who you are loving :) So do make your daily devo a priority.
Finally, we must love people, because in order to love God we must first love the people God put in our lives. If we cannot even love people who we can see, how can we love God who we can't see? And this doesn't mean you should just love your lovable friends because everyone does that, instead we should love the rejected and the people who are hard to love, Jesus Himself did that too :)
So yea that's all for this week. Sorry for the loong post and one final reminder:
Thanks and God bless :)
Well worship was really really good and heartfelt this week and even though Yi Fen had a sore throat, I thought she sang very very well :) It was a full band worship session and we rarely have those nowadays so it can only mean 1 thing... WORSHIP TEAM NEEDS PEOPLE! So do sign up by going to see James Lim or Reuel Liu kayy.
And Reuel did devo about judging others. Well, I find myself judging other people like ALOT. Whether conscious or unconscious, I judge people all the time and yea in the Bible it says how can we remove the speck from our brother's eye when we have a plank in our own eye? So we shouldn't judge because we ourselves are not perfect, let's leave the judging part to God kay?
This week Jon shared about loving God. There are 2 main parts in loving God -
1. Loving God
2. Loving people
Loving God: Firstly, we must connect with Him and one of the ways is obviously through worship. So we should worship God passionately and not just with the 'stony' attitude because He deserves the best. Imagine you go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, your not just gonna stone there and just mumble a few words right? Of course you will connect with him or her with full of interest and your gonna treat him or her like their the best, so I think God deserves that or actually even more so worship Him with all your heart, soul and strength!
Next, we have to love the church, in our case here it is IMPACT. We have to love it and get involved in Impact activities and make Impact not just 'a regular hang out place' but make it OUR place where we get closer to God. So involve yourself in activities or just make yourself available. A good opportunity to do that is the upcoming Impact's Got Talent! Yi Fen and Tiffany are looking for ushers so if you wanna help out go see them and make yourself available :)
Moving on, we have to obey God's Word. So we should read our Bible to know what His Word is and then we have to obey it :) Besides, reading the Bible will help you know God better and thus you know who you are loving :) So do make your daily devo a priority.
Finally, we must love people, because in order to love God we must first love the people God put in our lives. If we cannot even love people who we can see, how can we love God who we can't see? And this doesn't mean you should just love your lovable friends because everyone does that, instead we should love the rejected and the people who are hard to love, Jesus Himself did that too :)
So yea that's all for this week. Sorry for the loong post and one final reminder:
Thanks and God bless :)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
WOOOHOOO! IMPACT'S GOT TALENT JUST A MONTH AWAY! COME COME COME! Remember to get your tickets from either Jordan or me at RM2 per ticket:) And don't forget to tell your friends about it and make this event a HUGE SUCCESS! And of course not forgettin' the most important thing, PRAYER! Please pray for this event and Impact as a whole too okay ;)
Moving on, the "sign" game was finally introduced to the form 1s and form 2s. A pretty fun game indeed! *coughshernweicough*
And I did devo this week, I hope i did at least a decent job but I know I talked TOOO FAST - I will slow down next time- but I hope you guys got the gist of it which is to forgive those who have wronged you and apologize to those who you have wronged :)
Worship by Tian Xi and AV by Yi Fen. HMMM. Sounds like the worship team and the AV team needs some recruiting all right, so do join the worship and AV team kay! Big or small, surrender your talent to God and He will work wonders through you :) But worship was really really good and it was really heartfelt worship.
The Jon shared and he emphasized that we should really give our all to God from this short 4.30-6.00 period. And we really ought to do so because that's the MAIN reason why we come to Impact, so let's make it a habit to listen to the devos, worship the Lord, hear the announcements and message without flickering around with our phones or tablets(unless your bible is in there).
Jon shared about the perspective we have on God. Who is God to you? Is He a loving God, a merciful God, a jealous God or a fatherly God? The way we see God is important because it will reflect on how we treat God. So Jon shared about God as our Father and a father is someone who loves us and will give his children get what is the best for them. So when God answers your prayer about something that you want, it most should be good for you but if He doesn't answer it he may be asking you to wait for the right time, or even if He says no, He said it because He wants and knows what is best for you.
So that's all for this week and remember to check out the Impact's Got Talent page once its up for more info kay :) God Bless!
Moving on, the "sign" game was finally introduced to the form 1s and form 2s. A pretty fun game indeed! *coughshernweicough*
And I did devo this week, I hope i did at least a decent job but I know I talked TOOO FAST - I will slow down next time- but I hope you guys got the gist of it which is to forgive those who have wronged you and apologize to those who you have wronged :)
Worship by Tian Xi and AV by Yi Fen. HMMM. Sounds like the worship team and the AV team needs some recruiting all right, so do join the worship and AV team kay! Big or small, surrender your talent to God and He will work wonders through you :) But worship was really really good and it was really heartfelt worship.
The Jon shared and he emphasized that we should really give our all to God from this short 4.30-6.00 period. And we really ought to do so because that's the MAIN reason why we come to Impact, so let's make it a habit to listen to the devos, worship the Lord, hear the announcements and message without flickering around with our phones or tablets(unless your bible is in there).
Jon shared about the perspective we have on God. Who is God to you? Is He a loving God, a merciful God, a jealous God or a fatherly God? The way we see God is important because it will reflect on how we treat God. So Jon shared about God as our Father and a father is someone who loves us and will give his children get what is the best for them. So when God answers your prayer about something that you want, it most should be good for you but if He doesn't answer it he may be asking you to wait for the right time, or even if He says no, He said it because He wants and knows what is best for you.
So that's all for this week and remember to check out the Impact's Got Talent page once its up for more info kay :) God Bless!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Valentine's Day
Everybody knows what day today is! IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY! :D It's a time when all the couples go dating while all the forever-alone's just stone at home. But, why am I talking about this stuff when I should be telling how IMPACT WAS!
This week's prayer meeting was DA BOMB. We had the highest 'attendance' so far. But, it would be even better if EVEN more people came for it YA? ;)
This week, Leon did devo about us Christians being the salt and the light of the world and how we must never cover this light of ours but let it shine for the whole world to see.
After that was an awesome worship session which was led by Reuel. OH OH OH and Elijah Chua played the guitar. *ROUND OF APPLAUSE*
Since this week's impact was about valentine's day, Jon had us break up into 4 groups and come up with skits for 4 different scenarios which were : The Overpossesive Girlfriend/Boyfriend, The Unreasonable Girlfriend/Boyfriend, The Stalker and What Not To Do On A Date. Sounds like title to movies rite... :P
At the end of all the fun and laughter, Jon gave a short sharing based on Valentine's Day. He said that if anyone is thinking of getting into a relationship, he/she should sit down and think it through and always remember how it will benefit his/her relationship with God. :D
Impact's Got Talent tickets are out and they cost RM2 per ticket. You can find these tickets from either me or Evan. There will also be a lucky draw during the event so not only the participants will be getting prizes but a few lucky people will also be leaving with prizes. For those of you who don't know, Impact's Got Talent is on March 17th.
This week's prayer meeting was DA BOMB. We had the highest 'attendance' so far. But, it would be even better if EVEN more people came for it YA? ;)
This week, Leon did devo about us Christians being the salt and the light of the world and how we must never cover this light of ours but let it shine for the whole world to see.
After that was an awesome worship session which was led by Reuel. OH OH OH and Elijah Chua played the guitar. *ROUND OF APPLAUSE*
Since this week's impact was about valentine's day, Jon had us break up into 4 groups and come up with skits for 4 different scenarios which were : The Overpossesive Girlfriend/Boyfriend, The Unreasonable Girlfriend/Boyfriend, The Stalker and What Not To Do On A Date. Sounds like title to movies rite... :P
At the end of all the fun and laughter, Jon gave a short sharing based on Valentine's Day. He said that if anyone is thinking of getting into a relationship, he/she should sit down and think it through and always remember how it will benefit his/her relationship with God. :D
Impact's Got Talent tickets are out and they cost RM2 per ticket. You can find these tickets from either me or Evan. There will also be a lucky draw during the event so not only the participants will be getting prizes but a few lucky people will also be leaving with prizes. For those of you who don't know, Impact's Got Talent is on March 17th.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
It Ain't Gonna Fit
Wow! Trisha gave us an AMAZING time of devo this week, didn't she? I feel that all or most of us can relate with her, we shouldn't just love our friends because don't the tax collectors do that too? It's not wrong but we should really try to make a more conscious effort to love our enemies. It is never easy to love your enemy but it is a move you wont regret taking, at least you know you took the first step :)
Worship was nothin' less than Spectacular too! It was a great job by Yi Qian who was worship leading for the first time! WOOHOOO! *CLAPS HANDS* It was really good to see that the AV's Open Song was functioning (in case you didn't know, it was down for a looong time) Well God does have His way and we must always trust him :)
And the IMPACT'S GOT TALENT forms has been passed out so do paricipate and invite your friends, and let's make sure we work hand in hand to make this event a success!
Session, once again by the beloved JONATHAN NGAN! Here's my take on what I understood from Jon's sharing. GOLIATH BIG, David small. Goliath challenges Israel, David insults him by calling him an uncircumcised Philistine. They fight, David throws a rock, Goliath looks at the incoming stone and *stones*. Goliath GG.com, David takes his head :O
Nahh, that wasn't the jist of Jon's sharing. I missed out the main part, where Saul hands his Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious armor to David but David decided if he was going out to meet an uncircumcised Philistine he would do it his way, LIKE A BOSS!
So yea, you don't need to conform to the world or be what the world wants you to be. You must be who God created you to be. God made each and everyone of us special and He has different plans for all of us so the world shouldn't be deciding our future when God has already decided on what we're wearing tomorrow, what we're eating and whatever we're doing. So trust that God has THE ULTIMATE PLAN for you and don't forget He is your creator :)
God Bless! See you on Valentines Day Special this week :) #neveralone Cause God is always here for us! :)
Worship was nothin' less than Spectacular too! It was a great job by Yi Qian who was worship leading for the first time! WOOHOOO! *CLAPS HANDS* It was really good to see that the AV's Open Song was functioning (in case you didn't know, it was down for a looong time) Well God does have His way and we must always trust him :)
And the IMPACT'S GOT TALENT forms has been passed out so do paricipate and invite your friends, and let's make sure we work hand in hand to make this event a success!
Session, once again by the beloved JONATHAN NGAN! Here's my take on what I understood from Jon's sharing. GOLIATH BIG, David small. Goliath challenges Israel, David insults him by calling him an uncircumcised Philistine. They fight, David throws a rock, Goliath looks at the incoming stone and *stones*. Goliath GG.com, David takes his head :O
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Goliath: Ready or not, here I come! David: WHEEEEE! I have airy pants, what size are yours? |
Nahh, that wasn't the jist of Jon's sharing. I missed out the main part, where Saul hands his Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious armor to David but David decided if he was going out to meet an uncircumcised Philistine he would do it his way, LIKE A BOSS!
So yea, you don't need to conform to the world or be what the world wants you to be. You must be who God created you to be. God made each and everyone of us special and He has different plans for all of us so the world shouldn't be deciding our future when God has already decided on what we're wearing tomorrow, what we're eating and whatever we're doing. So trust that God has THE ULTIMATE PLAN for you and don't forget He is your creator :)
God Bless! See you on Valentines Day Special this week :) #neveralone Cause God is always here for us! :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Cows and Bees
Wow CNY was a whole lot of fun! And what better way to end the week by having Impact! :D First and foremost, you guys must commeeee to prayer meeting before Impact, because... prayer is important, no? :) So yup we had a small discussion of what we woud like to see happen in Impact and various answers were given like more united, have more passion for God, be more welcoming to newcomers, so on and so forth. And we must always remember that if we want to see Impact change, we must start with the Man In The Mirror. So why not begin by coming to prayer meetings eh? :P
Anyways, Yi Fen kicked start Impact by having icebreakers :) Grape, Mango, Apple. And we had a clear winner in our midst, LEONG SHIN KEAT!
Shin Keat: Grape, right. Mango, me. Apple, left. Grape, right. Mango, me. Apple, left.
Shin Keat: ME!!!!
-.- Your supposed to say your name lar.
Worship this week was led by Tiffany 'Starbucks Queen' Chua. And it was good to worship the Lord for all the good things He blessed us with during the CNY. Especially the ang paus. Haha kidding!
Announcements: IMPACT'S GOT TALENT! Invite your friends to come either to participate or hang around:) It will be EPIC! ;)
Jon: I have a dog named Spot. Say Spot!
Impactors: SPOT.
Jon: I have a dog named Spot. Spell Spot!
Impactors: S-P-O-T
(this event was repeated twice)
Jon: What do you do when you see a green light?
Milk and Honey. Cows and Bees. 'Stuff' and Stings. We cannot go through life without having a few 'stuff' and stings. But if we don't make that effort to persevere through all the 'stuff' and stings in life, the cow will just be walking on further and further and we will never reach our goal. Remember it's not about who you are, it's about who He is:) So trust God that He will be able to pull you through those 'stuff' and stings :)
Do comee next week for prayer meeting ya? God Bless :)
Anyways, Yi Fen kicked start Impact by having icebreakers :) Grape, Mango, Apple. And we had a clear winner in our midst, LEONG SHIN KEAT!
Shin Keat: Grape, right. Mango, me. Apple, left. Grape, right. Mango, me. Apple, left.
Shin Keat: ME!!!!
-.- Your supposed to say your name lar.
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Looks like a traffic light to me :P |
Haha anyways, devo this week was led by Mr. Kevin Tan. Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth". A very nice skit by Kevin, James and Han Jiang summed up Kevin's sharing perfectly. Meek = humble and submissive. We must be obedient to God and let him take control of our lives, let him sit in that throne in your heart and we will surely be blessed :)
Worship this week was led by Tiffany 'Starbucks Queen' Chua. And it was good to worship the Lord for all the good things He blessed us with during the CNY. Especially the ang paus. Haha kidding!
Announcements: IMPACT'S GOT TALENT! Invite your friends to come either to participate or hang around:) It will be EPIC! ;)
Jon: I have a dog named Spot. Say Spot!
Impactors: SPOT.
Jon: I have a dog named Spot. Spell Spot!
Impactors: S-P-O-T
(this event was repeated twice)
Jon: What do you do when you see a green light?
Milk and Honey. Cows and Bees. 'Stuff' and Stings. We cannot go through life without having a few 'stuff' and stings. But if we don't make that effort to persevere through all the 'stuff' and stings in life, the cow will just be walking on further and further and we will never reach our goal. Remember it's not about who you are, it's about who He is:) So trust God that He will be able to pull you through those 'stuff' and stings :)
Cow: "Finally! A title with my name in it! Aren't you happy bee?"
Do comee next week for prayer meeting ya? God Bless :)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
2nd Impact of the year ft. Step Up-ers
What can I say, Impact last week was just awesome. A lot of things happened last week. Last week was the first Impact prayer meeting! :D For those of you who don't when it is, it's at 3.30 on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. :) MAKE SURE YOU COME ARR!
To start of Impact, we had a sharing from El Presidente Lim Yi Fen from Matthew 5:6 : "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." We must hunger and thirst for righteousness and also do the right thing even if it means that we would stand out in the crowd. After that, she got us to reflect on our week and whether we had been living righteously in anything that we did.
As we were all in a very sentimental mood, worship by Nat started with songs of worship followed by praise songs. I'm sure we all agree that Nat is an awesome worship leader. :D
After that, we had testimonies from Shin Keat and Marcus. Shin Keat did a creative skit for his testimony (with the help of other Step Up-ers) while Marcus, well, used his awesome public speaking skills to present his testimony. :D
Well then, that was pretty much it for the 2nd week of Impact. :D
Again, prayer meeting's at 3.30 on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. (The next one's on the week after Chinese New Year.) Hope to see you guys there! Have an awesome Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai. :D
To start of Impact, we had a sharing from El Presidente Lim Yi Fen from Matthew 5:6 : "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." We must hunger and thirst for righteousness and also do the right thing even if it means that we would stand out in the crowd. After that, she got us to reflect on our week and whether we had been living righteously in anything that we did.
As we were all in a very sentimental mood, worship by Nat started with songs of worship followed by praise songs. I'm sure we all agree that Nat is an awesome worship leader. :D
After that, we had testimonies from Shin Keat and Marcus. Shin Keat did a creative skit for his testimony (with the help of other Step Up-ers) while Marcus, well, used his awesome public speaking skills to present his testimony. :D
Well then, that was pretty much it for the 2nd week of Impact. :D
Again, prayer meeting's at 3.30 on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. (The next one's on the week after Chinese New Year.) Hope to see you guys there! Have an awesome Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai. :D
Monday, January 9, 2012
Wow 1 month of holidays flew by and the school term begins. I'm pretty sure most of us have learnt alot from last year, whether it was about ourselves, about others or about God. So now with the past year behind us, I'm sure we can proudly say we have come out of 2011 more matured and ready for a fresh year full of challenges.
Woohoo! 1st day of Impact was da bomb! The main thing that rang through my mind throughout the whole day was CHANGE. We started out with welcoming the new faces to Impact, I was really surprised to see a whole lot of standard six-ers stepping up into Impact and I'm glad they did:) Then sad news came as The Jeff Chok announced that he will be stepping down from the Youth Ministry. I think we all can say that Jeff was an inspiration to all of us. Thanks Jeff for being a great servant-leader and for always being there when we needed you! :')
From sad news, we now move on to happy news! :D Jon gave his first sharing as the official Youth Ministry Pastor this week! Yea! And he highlighted changes that would be occuring throughout the year. One of them was the official launch of Impact 2012 - Impact's Got Talent! It would serve as an event where we can welcome our fellow unchurched friends to come and join in the fun! More importantly we would be in line with our church's goal of reaching out to the new, the young and the unchurched.
Jon also mentioned that Impact should not be a Saturday 4-7pm church thing but it should be carried out throughout our life, we should constantly try and make an impact on someone's life, no matter how small, that impact still changes lives. So let us not waste anymore time in our short lives God has given us and make an impact on other people lives like the little mosquito :) God Bless!
Woohoo! 1st day of Impact was da bomb! The main thing that rang through my mind throughout the whole day was CHANGE. We started out with welcoming the new faces to Impact, I was really surprised to see a whole lot of standard six-ers stepping up into Impact and I'm glad they did:) Then sad news came as The Jeff Chok announced that he will be stepping down from the Youth Ministry. I think we all can say that Jeff was an inspiration to all of us. Thanks Jeff for being a great servant-leader and for always being there when we needed you! :')
From sad news, we now move on to happy news! :D Jon gave his first sharing as the official Youth Ministry Pastor this week! Yea! And he highlighted changes that would be occuring throughout the year. One of them was the official launch of Impact 2012 - Impact's Got Talent! It would serve as an event where we can welcome our fellow unchurched friends to come and join in the fun! More importantly we would be in line with our church's goal of reaching out to the new, the young and the unchurched.
Jon also mentioned that Impact should not be a Saturday 4-7pm church thing but it should be carried out throughout our life, we should constantly try and make an impact on someone's life, no matter how small, that impact still changes lives. So let us not waste anymore time in our short lives God has given us and make an impact on other people lives like the little mosquito :) God Bless!

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