Well, for me was really great.
I dont know about you, but i guess MOST of us that went for camp had a GREAT TIME!
BTW we learn that AWESOME is only used for GOD
YOU see, if you use awesome to describe other stuff then the word Awesome would be less Awesome. In conclusion, only GOD is AWESOME!
There's many many more stuff that we learn in camp..
Really, really!
OKay i've decided to ask you readers out there (If there are any D: )
To visit the blogs of the campers..
Alycia's Blog will be updated about camp SOON! :)
Weili has updated a lil..
Yifen well, dont read hers! :P
Sarah has updated too!
Liza updated as welll (:
I'll hunt down some more campers who updated about camp!
that's for now i guess..
Have a great week People :D
and do Devo!